New to the family - the opportunity to purchase a software solution and assemble the system yourself! Especially true for owners of high performance workstations with IO boards production SoftLab-NSK and BlackMagic Design - you can turn them into a professional virtual studio using only the purchase of software licenses. A set of components allows the construction of a variety of configurations to meet all kinds of requirements. As before, delivery as “turnkey” systems is possible, as custom solutions also (stereo, multichannel, with the support of the original equipment, etc.).
The family of virtual studios “FOCUS” accumulates achievements of modern professional TV, training and games technologies into one reliable system that provides interactive video production of TV content with high realism and quality of the output image..
The use of virtual studios avoids the significant costs associated with the production and installation of “hardware” scenery and a necessary of often reconstruction of the film studios. The technology of “virtual camera” provides reduced cost of studio space and an opportunity to create in a small studio a several complex projects – it is very important, especially for small broadcasters.
Studio “Focus” can work with any video signal (from the S Video to SDI / HDMI) as a standard SD, and in HD resolutions. Low cost base configuration with different types of signals supported are called “Focus Light”.
It is also proposed to upgrade the system up to “Focus”, which includes the author’s set of tools for creating virtual scenes (sets) and user interface design for operators (directors). All systems can be complemented with various hardware and software options.
Virtual Studio "Focus Light"
Virtual Studio Focus Light – a low-budget solution. However, this configuration of the studio has full functionality for the actual TV production. Restrictions are imposed only on the ability to create and edit the virtual scene (scenery) and operator’s GUI. In fact, Focus Light is a “player” of ready projects of virtual scenes with the ability to pre-configure and manage in real time the different parameters (specified when creating scenes). Usually it is enough for a long fruitful work in the mode of typical production. Many studios radically change the design and composition of produced television programs very rarely, support of own developers staff is unjustified. In this case, users of Focus Light may apply to some owners of the full version of the virtual studio “Focus” to upgrade or create new projects. You can call to the professional designers of virtual scenes, in particular, the use of the interior library D-Graphica production with appropriate adaptation to the customer’s requirements.
Depending on the existing technical equipment the studio “Focus Light” (and “Focus”) can be configured to work with any type of video input and output (S-Video, Component, SDI, HDMI …). Possible to construct hybrid configurations, for example, when used at the input sources SDTV and HDTV formats and output studio formed in SDTV format. The number of input video channels (from 2 to 8) as selected by the buyer.
Package Included:
Assembled and configured server unit “Studio Focus” * (MS Windows8) corresponds to I / O cards audio and video (FD322, FD422, FD842)
Set patch cables or patch panels
Backup media with software and documentation
(Monitor (touch), keyboard, mouse, and the option to the virtual studio (patch panel break-out box, etc.) – Sold separately)
Software “HotActions Live 3.0h”
* Depending on the terms of the contract equipment may vary.
Virtual Studio "Focus"
Virtual Studio “FOCUS” differs from the “FOCUS Light” by presence of developer tools and tools for virtual scenes creation of appropriate interfaces for operator control of the studio in real time (during shooting). Users of this configuration can use any own designs. That, however, does not preclude the use of the library interior. In fact, the differences between the technical characteristics of configurations “Light Focus” and “Focus” are missing. To work remotely on projects in this configuration preddostavlyaetsya optional USB-dongle and software HotActions Design. It allows for the development of projects on virtually any computer without the possibility of working with video streams in real time. The number of input streams, the presence of synchronization, etc. user-defined option.
Package Included:
Assembled and configured server unit “Studio Focus” * (MS Windows8) corresponds to I / O cards audio and video (FD322, FD422, FD842)
Set patch cables or patch panels
Rrezervny media with software and documentation
(Monitor (touch), keyboard, mouse, and the option to the virtual studio (patch panel break-out box, etc.) – Sold separately)
Software “HotActions”
Software “HotActions Live”
Software “HotActions Design 3.0x”
* Depending on the grade of the contract may vary.
Distinctive features of Studio "Focus"
Complete Studio on the same computer. System “Focus” includes all necessary computer equipment to build a virtual studio, you still connect your camera and microphone inputs studio and associated monitors and recording equipment to the outputs. Modules of time correction, keying, processing and mixing signals, sound synchronization delay – all included in the equipment on the same computer!
All standards: from amateur to professional. Despite the availability of prices, “Focus” enables you to handle the high-quality video signals for the various types of S-video signals up to HD SDI. The number of input channels with independent chromakey each easily increased, and time correction (TBC) allows using nonsynchronous video sources. Even the minimal configuration includes two independent input channels. Unique real-time chromakey module included in all configurations allows to qualitatively process thin and translucent objects. He is specially adapted to be able to use sources with low quality and other non-professional video equipment.
The cardinal reduce the cost of studio equipment. through the use of unique technologies you can get acceptable results even in the simplest studio equipment – static nonprofessional light permanently installed cameras, painted backcloth – the minimum possible level of start-up costs (without video equipment) around $ 400. Of course, to achieve the highest levels, with shadows, semitransparent objects, smoke, etc. have to use professional sets of studio equipment. Typical virtual studios use the Tracking system cost about $ 40,000 to the camera channel. “Focus” can be used in the scene unlimited number of virtual cameras, which can be moved in the scene, changing the focus remains stationary when the real camera. All of this can significantly reduce the need for real space and the scenery in the studio to cut personnel costs.
is a great way to create three-dimensional scenes and special effects. The system provides the possibility of three-dimensional graphics software for 3D Studio Max. Using video streams as textures (materials) allows you to overlay a video (pre-recorded AVI-files and directly processed live video) on objects of any shape. Moreover, these objects can be animated, morphed, highlighted, etc. In advanced configurations possible to use several independent video streams (from cameras and video) at the same time.
result as soon as possible. The system is delivered in a fully operational condition, you still need to perform switching with the appropriate settings. And it provided, for example, auto keying, just by pressing a button. The process of real-time fully interactive and can be controlled by one operator, which is optionally be an experienced engineer or designer. Management of any objects (including virtual cameras) and scene parameters can be carried out automatically, with the ability to interact with video servers, titling and other external equipment by the common scenario or interactively via the keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. Basic tools designers – the well-known and popular packages (3D MAX, Photoshop, etc.).
Multi-system. “Focus” can be used not only as a virtual studio, but also as a system of registration of live air using a three-dimensional real-time graphics – this animated computer characters, virtual “plasma”, business graphics, sophisticated titles and more. “Focus” can act as a multi-channel computer console.
system with rich possibilities of expansion and development. “Focus” is easily integrated with existing equipment, implements the protocol for mutual control with essential mixers, titling , video servers, encoders (in particular the DCS company DVL, Forward, FD1000, MV401, etc.). Can connect various control devices: Remote keyboard panel, touchscreens, virtual gloves, mouse trekingovye system for cameras, robotic cameras. Implement an interface to the system to dynamically display information such as telephone poll, temperature, time, etc.